
Here You Begin . . .  is a blog based on the new book by Elizabeth Darby.

Here You Begin:

A Guided Journal to Discovering You, Your Passions, Your Purpose, and to Creating the Work  Only You Can Do.

It is available at Amazon, ibooks, and Barnes and Noble.

Here You Begin is a book of questions;

it is a fill-in-the-blank of your Soul.

With it you are able to discover what you are good at doing. And thus you find your Talent.

You will rediscover what you love doing and being. And thus you find your Magic.

You will discover what you care about in this world. And thus you find your Purpose.

You will be able to plan to create your Work:  How to make Your Work from what you are good at fitting magically with what you really care about in this world:

It is about creating the best Job you’ve ever had.

It is a guide to creating the Work you are here to do, and which only You can do.

You will see how to achieve your goals, dreams and your purpose.

It’s a place to dream, like a journal, and an action plan, like a coach, wrapped into one place.  And it’s yours for only $15.99. See below.

What do you get?


If you are lost and wondering what to do next, you get a place to discover who you are and what you need to do next to achieve your goal.


If you are feeling unneeded, you get a chance to explore your gifts, talents and the things you really care about — and understand how needed you and your Work really is in this world.


If you are feeling helpless and hopeless about finding work, you get inspired encouragement and a solid plan for creating the work you are here to do and be rewarded for doing — financially and spiritually.


If you are feeling like no one believes in you and your role in this world, you get the knowledge that you are needed and the feeling that you know where to begin.

All from a book that is mostly questions?


Because you know your dreams and your path; sometimes it’s just a big foggy when following your day-to-day.

That’s where a book and a coach come in; to help you see that Here You Begin and what to do next.

Workshops are offered (see our workshop page) because it’s good to spend a few hours begin guided with friends, joy and laughter, and it’s good to share  your journey of Life with others who are questioning, too.

From the workshops, you also get the great knowledge that you’ve made it possible for another person, in worse circumstance than you are most likely, to be able to take a forward step on his or her own path here:  For every workshop participant at $85 for 9 hours (£55; Eu65) I am able to provide a workshop to those who are in desperate need to create work, a job, or discover their talents to serve our world.

Workshops:  One-for-One

With your participation, you are also giving a workshop to a person seriously disadvantaged

by our current economic crisis: 

a  homeless teen,

a returning vet facing life with new challenges,

a  homeless family or

a young person in an under-served school.

Please sign up if you’d like to be kept informed of our workshops, publication dates or to enquire on private coaching.

Who did this?

Elizabeth Darby is an award-winning international journalist and author of several books.  As an Editor and writer for national and international magazines, she traveled the world in covering Life and Story. Her books and articles include the topics of wilderness and the soul, conservation, global environmental security and sustainability. She speaks and consults throughout the world on issues of environment, women, spirit and finding voice.  She also serves as a guide and mentor to seekers of all ages who continue to reach for and achieve the dreams of their individual life-journeys.

With Here You Begin, she welcomes opportunities to speak to and lead workshops for any and all on discovering and putting to work one’s talents and abilities in the service of our World. She especially loves working at those geared for students and counselors in schools and universities; for those living homeless or are abused or frightened; for women’s groups and those focused on mid-career life changes or mid-life career changes.  She also offers weekend workshops and week-long courses on becoming wildly, authentically You and finding voice in far-flung beautiful locations such the one pictured in the blog’s masthead.  That is a photo from one of the  UK workshop locations. To join one, or suggest one, simply get in touch!

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