
Success is being who you really are . . .

The sun came up again . . .

Darn it.

Another day and you still don’t know whether to:

Go to college (and if college, which one and in what course?)  or…

Find a job;

Create your own work or…

Look in the want ads for anything;

Go to the coffee shop again or…

Look at the job boards . . . again.

What direction do you go first?

Maybe more importantly,

why are we always

looking outside of ourselves

for the path signs?

Why do we eagerly read books about somebody else who found their way?

But don’t start our own path?

Here You Begin . . . is based on a simple reality:

You know best.

Really, you do.

Even if presently you are lost and screaming at the forest pathway,

You know best if you can only just get quiet enough to hear yourself think . . .

(so stop screaming!)

and hear your heart beat . . .

 . . . hear the calling of your Soul that says:

Hey!    Look!   Listen!

You have these great talents and abilities;

You really care about these things

that need help in this world;

And you know you just love that place in this world where you feel at home,

happy, enthralled, inspired . . . 

You can be Purpose and On Task in

the Work of the Work.

That’s the journey Here You Begin . . . will take you on.

It’s your journey; one only you can do.

It’s your mission, should you decide to accept it.

And it’s the reason you are here in this Life-Time:

To do this work of using all of your

gifts and talents,

passion and joy,


one great Purpose.

But sometimes we can’t do it alone; sometimes we need a little pre-bottled focus to help clear the head and help us get started.

So I offer personal coaching and workshops in far-flung beautiful places as well as at your corner coffee shop.

Together, you and I take a look at the paths before you.

We talk about your dreams and goals and ideal habitat in which you thrive.

And we fill in some of the blanks that you feel right now — the blanks of your Soul that are feeling a little ignored, or shy, or doubtful, or worrying or wondering or worthy.  Together, You can discover You, with a little help from a friend.

Then we come up with an Action map that is yours alone, in the form of tasks or a plan.

These help you cross the bridge to your Work, one step at a time, while you are living life here.

Think of a coaching session as GPS for your feet, to follow the journey path you, On Task and On Purpose, are already eager to start.

The sessions are nothing fancy,

just good hard Q and A to clear the head —

and to help you re-tie your shoelaces,

um, which presently are tied together.

I can coach you online, on phone, or in person, depending on your location of course.  So if you can’t wait for a workshop or want to get going now, contact me!  Forthcoming workshops are listed here, too, on the Workshops page.

If dollars are tight, we only need a minimum of 3 sessions to get you going (plus a special coaching price of $10 for the book, as it ), but 5 hours is best to get you on your way with no turn-backs.

The whole 5-hour coaching session, plus book (and tea or soup and fresh scones if you are in my geographic area or I’m in yours!) is $250.  After those 5 hours, you can check in as needed for partial hours or full ones.

Yes, this is inexpensive compared to some other coaching you may have seen online.

I really believe that a world of people On Task and On Purpose would be a lovely world for our children to live in. So I want to make it of good service to you and to all.

One-for-One:  As in the workshops, if you arrange a 5-session coaching session, I’ll be able to provide a workshop for a disadvantaged, discouraged homeless person or newly returned Vet in his or her service area as your guest.  And we thank you.

For more information, or to sign up, contact me!

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